Sunday, August 27

Moms Favorite Things

Prozyme Enzyme Powder - Mom spent a fortune at the vet trying to find out why everytime I ate any kind of dry dog food, my poo looked like mashed potatoes. After trying every kind of food know to man and dog she decided to try some Prozyme and it quickly solved the problem. Prozyme has digestive enzymes that help my stomach. Vet says my problem is probably just from living on the streets eating garbage for so long and it may take 6 months for me to get better. It could also be a permanent pancrease problem only time will tell. This prozyme stuff is supposed to help with all kinds of problems besides digestion, like allergies, skin problems & immune disorders. If your mom wants to order some SitStay has a good price on it. Save 5-10% on your order every Tuesday at

The FURminator

Mom bought this fancy deshedding tool cause it is supposed to get out all the undercoat that other brushes leave behind. She says it works great but I really don't care how much dog hair I leave on the furniture. I do like the way it feels though, I think it is a wonderful back scratcher.

The Dyson animal

keeps me out of trouble cause it is designed to pick up dog hair. The thing kind of scares me though so when I see mom heading towards one of my toys I grab the toy and run. The Dyson has tons of suction.


D. Animal said...


Koda said...
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Koda said...

That is absolutely ridiculous, vacuums can't have blogs. The Dyson may be full of my fur but the sucker doesn't have the brains to type.

What you say we get together and chew that sucker up, I am tired of that animal taking my things.

Koda said...

Call a pack meeting! That dang Dyson has sucked up my sister!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

oooo! that is one scary picture!