Saturday, July 7

This is ridiculous!


Anonymous said...

I agree! Why do humans want to do things like this to us? My mom put ballet slippers on me, a bow in my hair, and a yellow dress on me. Check out "dance class" on my blog. Nice to meet you Koda!!! I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better. I hope you will visit my blog :)
Sitka (and my cat sister, Tia, says Meow).

Anonymous said...

Woo Koda... I can not believe the human did this to you. I agree, it is ridiculous and unexceptable, ha roO!

Koda said...

My mom loves donkey ears, but they don't belong on me!

Sasha said...

Koda, you should shred a sofa to get back at the humans for that!

Koda said...

Sister Munch would be upset if I shred the sofa, that is where she hangs out. Mom has some of those new ugly rubber crocs shoes that I have my eye on though.