Friday, September 28
Stealing SeaGull
Sunday, September 23
iDog Dalmation Rocks to the Music
Yard Work Day
We didn't get to go to the dog park yesterday cause we had to stay home and do yard work. Mom whacked off some limbs from the overgrown shrubs and my job was to tear them into smaller pieces. As you can see from the video, I am a very hard worker.
Munch thought her only job should be to get rid of the fuzzy rodent that lives under the a/c. I went over to lend her a paw as she wasn't having much luck. She told me to go away, said the rodent was hers! Girls are so stingy.
Photos of my ugly sister
This is my adopted sister Munch, mom is always telling her how gorgeous she is, sable malamutes are rare and special, blah blah blah. It's sickening!
Look at her mouth she has been eating mud, her teeth are ugly and she needs braces
The girl is just mean, she is always trying to pull my cheek off!
If she doesn't stop I am afraid I will wind up with big ole floppy jowls like a bull dog.
Sometimes she calls her smiley girl. Look at that silly snow nose, looks like a little piggy nose to me! I think we should get some paint and touch it up where the black is peeling off.
I'm gorgeous too, but you know what she calls me? Koda Bones & Mr. Bones, cause I am too skinny. What the heck kinda name is that? It's insulting!
My nose is pure black and my teeth are bright white, I'm better looking than that silly Munchkin. I think she should call me King Koda.
Fuzzy Squirrel
Spiny Orb-weavers
We have some spiny orb weavers in the backyard, they look like little crabs. One is black and white like a husky and the other guy is orange.
The orange one caught a bee, which is good cause now he can't sting me. I don't know why anyone would want to eat a bee though. Guess the spider knows to spit out the stinger.
Frogs Taste Nasty!
I think he is a Southern Leopard Frog, he looks silly with that hunchback. Mom thought I had done some awful thing that made him looked deformed like that so I had to look it up on Google images and show her he was like that when I started playing with him. Sheesh!
Saturday, September 22
Rabid Skunk in Dog Kennel with Dog This is the link to the report that shows the skunk did have rabies.
Tuesday, September 18
Monday, September 17
Sled Dog and Polar Bear
The Ugliest Dog in the World
Sunday, September 16
Donkey Trapped in a Well
Friday, September 14
Exercise increases your brain power and size.
Saturday, September 8
Power of the Dyson
Bear Creek Dog Park Houston
Black & Decker Cultivator VS. Dog
Compare these two videos and tell me what you think. I am much quieter than the cultivator, I can go much deeper and my battery doesn't wear down. I say I am the winner, paws down! Mom says the cultivator is easier to control, minor detail if you ask me!
Animal Planet
Ashes Pouting
Clash Needs to Learn Some Manners
Friday, September 7
My Bestest Friend Harry the Rottweiler
Wednesday, September 5
Sable Sunday - A Very Exclusive Party for Sable Malamutes
The party begins and the exclusive guests meet for the first time.
Munch, aka the Greedy Pool Queen, enjoys soaking in her tub.