The adventures of two misfits. A Giant Husky & Malamute Midget that were saved from death row after being tossed out by some very stupid people
Thursday, January 10
Glowing Green Pigs
Maybe they should do this to dogs so they can find us in the dark when we run away and so cars can see us and won't run us over. They should definately do it to mice, it would make our hunting much easier.
Weird, yes, but pretty cool. Now, if it were something you could switch on and off, like a firefly, then it'd be a genuine superpower! - - - - - - - Jack@PDB dog beds and more
Interesting. I think I would freak out if I was glowing all the time (I'm a bit sensitive). I agree that it would make hunting mice easier though. :)
That would be too weird!
Weird, yes, but pretty cool. Now, if it were something you could switch on and off, like a firefly, then it'd be a genuine superpower!
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dog beds and more
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